Commercial Litigation
DWI and DUI cases are often confusing for clients and deadlines after the offense are of the utmost importance. If you have been charged with a DWI or DUI, you should consult with an attorney as soon as possible. Often there are two separate cases at issues, the underlying criminal offense, and if an individual refused to submit to a breath, blood, urine or saliva test, the revocation of his drivers license. We have extensive experience prosecuting and defending DWIs and DUIs, so we understand what measures need to be taken quickly. Once time sensitive matters are taken care of, we take the time to perform complete investigations into the circumstances involved with each DWI/DUI. We understand the ramifications of the criminal, and potentially civil, actions that can be taken against individuals charged with a DWI/DUI and we work to make sure clients understand the ultimate charges and outcome of every incident.
Our firm has extensive experience in all areas involving DWI/DUI litigation, including: